On April 9, the American Council on Germany and Atlantik-Brücke partnered to host the first in what will be a series of webinars. The Chairmen of the two organizations – Ambassador John B. Emerson and former Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel – discussed a range of issues influencing the transatlantic relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion was moderated by journalist Juliane Schäuble, the U.S. Correspondent for the daily, Der Tagesspiegel. The speakers could not address all of the questions posed during the event. They have responded to some of the questions in writing: Do you think that the German approach to dealing with the crisis can or will be seen as a best practice / leadership role? John B. Emerson: So far,...
In Davos leaders agreed on the dramatic impact of climate change and its effect on the world economy. But besides the clash between Greta Thunberg and President Trump, to which many media dedicated their coverage, there was a more interesting fault line that became obvious. The public awareness and pressure on business leaders and government representatives for this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, raised by the horrific pictures of the Australian bushfires or the recent McKinsey study on the economic consequences of climate change, couldn’t have been higher. Shortly before the talks at Davos, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) issued the study Climate Risk and Response, which combined scientific climate models with economic forecasts up to 2030 and 2050, analyzing the socioeconomic consequences...
Technological progress and the growth of world trade move steadily forward – but Europe and the United States hide fearfully in the shadows without a vision for the future, suggests former American Ambassador John Kornblum. We need a vision for a new digital world order. As we commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall, one lingering question remains. Why were so many people shocked when it happened? We had enough warning. There was no reason to be surprised, but almost everyone was. The confusion which followed demonstrated one of humanity’s most enduring traits. We ignore uncomfortable truths. We run from them. And we often get burned by them. In the case of the Wall, fear kept us from facing the truth. Fear of war. The...
Meinen Deutsche und Amerikaner überhaupt dasselbe, wenn sie über „westliche Werte“ reden? Sind wir eine Scheingemeinschaft? Ein Gastkommentar. Die Wogen schlagen hoch im transatlantischen Gewässer. Das Verhältnis zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten war selten so angespannt wie zurzeit. Die Präsidentschaft Donald Trumps markiert, so viel lässt sich ohne historischen Abstand sagen, das Ende der Selbstverständlichkeiten. Fast schon naiv wirkt da der Verweis auf die historische Größe des transatlantischen Projekts, auf geteilte Werte und Normen, bestimmen doch unerbittlich vorgetragene Forderungen in Sachen Handel und Verteidigungsausgaben das Gespräch auf politscher Ebene. An die Stelle historischer Verbundenheit ist in der politischen Sprache eine kalte, kaufmännische Logik getreten: Keine Leistung ohne Gegenleistung.  Text on the button
Germany’s economics minister wants to start a new round of trans-Atlantic talks to solve the trade dispute with the US. So far, Europe's response is muted. Peter Altmaier is an optimist. This weekend, addressing the grim state of US-European relations, Germany’s economics minister repeated his call to start negotiations on a new trans-Atlantic trade deal. But few share Mr. Altmaier’s confidence in such a far-reaching solution. There is little support within the EU for a reboot of comprehensive trade talks; memories are too fresh of popular opposition in Europe to the last such attempt, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which US President Donald Trump abandoned shortly after he took office last year. Read more