Michele Ruehs Steinbuch
Michele Ruehs Steinbuch has been with the American Council on Germany since May 1999. Her current duties include writing and editing publications, coordinating the corporate membership program, and assisting with fundraising initiatives. Ms. Steinbuch previously worked at the International Conflict Resolution Program, now the Center for International Conflict Resolution, at Columbia University, and in the education branch at Friedensdorf (Peace Village) International in Germany with children who had been injured during war. She served as a reporter covering the minorities beat and as an editor at publications including what is now The Journal News in White Plains, New York. She also is a certified teacher of English as a Second Language. Ms. Steinbuch holds a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, with a specialization in human rights and conflict resolution, and a bachelor’s degree in German and journalism from Michigan State University’s Honors College.
Email: msteinbuch@acgusa.org