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Weekly News Digest

The ACG brings its members a compilation of timely analyses and opinion pieces on transatlantic issues. Articles are then posted to the website the following week. (July 11, 2024)

Ampelkoalition and the German Budget
Germany’s Scholz Averts Coalition Meltdown over Budget – Matthew Karnitschnig, Nette Nöstlinger, and Jürgen Klöckner, Politico
Änderungen beim Bürgergeld: Die Ampel hat verstanden, dass es abermals einen Wandel braucht – Daniel Friedrich Sturm, Tagesspiegel
Olaf Scholz Unveils Budget after Tensions inside German Coalition – Guy Chazan, Financial Times
Was der Haushaltsentwurf der Ampel vorsieht – Ivana Sokola, ZEIT

NATO Summit
Will NATO Still Exist in 25 Years? – Andrew Latham, The Hill
Reality Check – Edward Luces, CEPA
A Better Path for Ukraine and NATO – M.E. Sarotte, Foreign Affairs
Can Germany Lead Europe in NATO? – Michaela Küfner, Deutsche Welle
Europe Is Quietly Debating a Nuclear Future Without the US – Laura Kayali, Thorsten Jungholt, and Philipp Fritz, Politico
So denken Deutsche und Amerikaner über die NATO – Oliver Kühn, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Macron’s Gamble
In a Referendum on Le Pen, French Voters Said ‘Non’. This Opportunity Must Not Be Squandered – Paul Taylor, The Guardian
Frankreich-Wahl: Aufatmen in Teilen Europas – Bernd Riegert, Deutsche Welle
Parlamentswahl in Frankreich: Es ist höchste Zeit für Kompromisse – Nina Belz, Neue Züricher Zeitung

Elections in the UK
Keir Starmer and Labour’s Massive Victory – Dov S. Zakheim, The Hill
Starmer’s Priorities: Fixing Britain Will Come First – Nick Witney, European Council on Foreign Relations
Das historische Debakel der Konservativen – Thomas Kieliner, Welt

How Big Elections Are Changing the World in 2024 – Sammy Westfall, Washington Post
Termine absagen, bitte – Susanne Beyer, Spiegel

European Industry
How Europe Can Fix Its Competitiveness Problem – Jakob Hafele, Project Syndicate
EU Election’s Shift to Right Signals Green Industrial Deal Validation – Dave Keating, Euractiv
Europe Can’t Afford the Far Right’s Fiscal Policies – Bloomberg