Hot Topics Call: The Rise of Tensions with Iran

The ACG will host a Hot Topics Call with Dr. Cornelius Adebahr, Political Analyst and Nonresident Fellow at Carnegie Europe. To register, please fill in the form below. Dial-in information will be sent prior to call.

Hot Topics Call: Brexit and What It Means for Germany

The ACG will host a Hot Topics Call with Nicolai von Ondarza, Deputy Head of Research Division at the Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Politik.  To register, please fill in the form below.

Hot Topics Call: Developments in Thuringia

This week the German political landscape has been roiled by dramatic developments in the small eastern state of Thuringia. Although Bodo Ramelow, Thuringia’s Minister President, had enough votes to continue as the head of a minority coalition made up of the Left Party, the Social Democrats, and the Greens, after three months of gridlock he...

Hot Topics Call: The Future of the CDU and the Evolving Political Landscape in Germany

In 2018, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced she would not run for reelection in 2021. This set the stage for the selection of a new Chairperson of the CDU. In a contested race between three candidates, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was elected as party Chair in December of 2018 and presumptive candidate for Chancellor. However, last month she decided to step down as party Chair, reopening the question of...